Report -- Approval of Houston Astros sale conditional on move to American League - ESPN As an Astros fan, and "NL" guy, this really pisses me...
All I know is that these are GREAT days we are living as Tiger fans. We are witnessing feats never before accomplished. How anyone can complain...
with the win last night LSU has beaten, in a single season, the previous 3 national champions. Has that EVER been done before?
This got me to thinking, so I did some research. Being lazy, I only went back to 2000 so it's not a great historical perspective but............
No bias here at all......consider that Georgia's annual enrollment is somewhere around 26,000-28,000 and Georgia Tech's is 12,000-14,000....
Saw this on another board and while interesting, you really have to wonder about the validity of the numbers. For example, compare Georgia Tech's...
If this guy is supposed to be a Marine, he is spending an awful lot of time in Baton Rouge.....didn't know we had a base there; or is he a reservist?
If Cuban buys the team, maybe the rainbows will come back. Then mine sitting in the closet won't be a throwback anymore.
China's large army would only do them any good if it was a war on the Asian continent. Any war anywhere else they would have to transport that...
Mubarak must be one of the biggest idiots in history. If he doesn't change his tune, and quick, this could get very ugly for him.
nice :thumb:
Okie, I don't have any first hand info since this broke yesterday and I'm in KC this week, so I can't say for sure that it was supposed to be...
This hits close to home for me because Mansfield school district borders mine. I think the primary issue here is not whether or not the Arabic...
Well, 1989 wasn't completely non-violent either (see Romania). And in '79 it was basically one country-Iran. I'm still intrigued by the ripple...
That's one of my big questions. If viewed on the surface, this is a political/economic driven event. Whether the outcome is favorable to the US...
I think it's more than just Egypt. That just happens to be where the big news is happening today. I think the events in Tunisia simply brought...
I'm really surprised this topic hasn't appeared yet. Tunisia has dumped its government, Egypt appears to be on the brink of doing it, Jordan's...
I was surprised to see his "supportive" articles during the coaching rumor phase. I suppose he supported Miles staying so that he will be able to...
I'm up late with a sick kid and been wondering about this myself. According to ESPN, the first tiebreaker is head to head, second is division...