Have I seen American Horror Story?? Are you serious? Anything with horror, I'm all in. It's a weird show. In most ghost shows, ghosts...
Only one reason. Stupid Writing. However, we're used to that with this show.
Last nights mid season Premiere was solid. Great beginning and a great ending. I hope Lori dies or gets bitten. I'm so tired of her. I loved...
I guess you don't need to figure in the fact that we lost our heisman winning QB in the 1st game. Lost our all american tight end before the...
Tebow gets hazed or has joined a monastery. [img]
Yeah, I still plan to see it soon. Btw, every movie should have it's own thread. That's where the best discussions occur. I just started a...
You were disappointed b/c you are such a huge fan of the book. Plain and Simple. The only movie that I've ever seen that was better than the book...
Best of the Best Taken Watchmen (Excellent movie. Excellent soundtrack. A very interesting story. The characters were also very interesting....
How many places do you have? :D You are doing well in this economy. ;)
I absolutely love this show. It is fun, entertaining, and informative. I always write down the names of the restaurants in the cities that he...
I've heard that many times. I just can't make myself go see it. I don't care for an India movie or movies about people playing "Who wants to be...
Most recent movies seen in bold. For 2009, I've changed my rating system from a 10 point to scale to the following. Best of the Best...
I expect Connor to announce a decision this week! It's definitely between OU and Texas at this point. I think he is a Texas lean as this...
Like he said, it is Colt's younger brother. I doubt if he ever sees the field though. I hear it was more of a courtesy offer for Texas if you...
Coaches poll is already out. OU has a 1 point lead over Texas.
I thought is was a given that we would pass Texas in the computer part of the polls this week? They played and beat a 4-8 unranked team at Home....
quick bcs poll question for islstl? I saw this comment on another site. Is it true? "All but one computer uses the ranking of the team when...
I hope you are right! :thumb:
I don't know where you are getting your info, but the OU/OSU game is at 7:00pm on ABC Saturday night.