You either win the bet with over -- or pay $100 to have CLM fired. Seems like a win/win judging by the opinions of some here.
LSU/UGA from this past year is on Cox right now, too.
Fair enough. :wave:
this year, yes. Last year, he was No. 2. That's what I meant. I know he's No. 1 this year.
53 catches, 735 yards as the obvious No. 2 guy? Add 15 catches to that and 200-250 yards to that this year and I'd be OK with that. He's never...
Ryan Baker.
I'll say this about the QBs -- going back to Russell, Flynn, Mauck, etc... as far as I can remember, the QBs have always struggled in the spring...
considering UNC will probably be ranked higher than LSU to start the season, I'm pretty sure every card in the deck will be shown in Atlanta....
doubt it. Joe always has modeled himself after Reggie. Being overrated, overhyped and overpaid are just part of the package.
one too many McRibs, perhaps.
C'est bon.
Which is why the "America's Team" crap that people like to spit is ludicrous. With that said, the champ should start at No. 1.
maggots are baby flies. In that respect, I guess it works. ;)
I might get put into the clinic for this one -- mostly because we have a lot of people here who blame the quarterback when the team loses no...
yeah. That dude was lights-out. What a performance. And about Phil, agree 100%. He is his own excuse for why he doesn't have 10-12 majors. He's...
He will. Prepare for a Dustin Johnson-like round soon.
he's the worst on that network easily. Captain funny, but also Captain Integrity when it comes to an athlete who might have a scandal (like...
Tiger finishes with a 73. One of the better afternoon rounds of the day. Still well back. This weekend should be exciting.
Tiger's fighting strong so far.
The thing is this: I feel like baseball's crowd will always be older. As older folks evolve, they pick it up. As I, myself, get older, I come to...