That idiot is also a young earth creationist.
Why would it? What classified info did Hunter share with Burisma?
Name one fucking thing that the republican party has done for working people in this country in the last fifty years. You can't.
And that slimy fucker wanted to criminalize gay sex. He epitomizes everything America hates about the GOP cult: anti-science, fundy lunacy, white...
Inasmuch as Russia had no significant navy and Britain ruled the seas, you make no sense. Just another of your predictably uneducated posts.
He's a holy roller. It's quite likely he views cannabis as sinful, which would of course drive his political decisions, because holy rollers...
And now, speaking of disgusting, back to the thread topic: what we're left with now is a fundy whacko, election-denying, anti-democracy,...
No, it wasn't. Winston got it exactly correct. Because of the slavery issue there was a great deal of disgust for the Confederacy among all...
This just in: Mark Meadows, who was the go-between for everything happening on January 6, has been granted immunity from prosecution by Jack...
In a pig's eye. Investment firms typically charge 3% to 8% in management fees. At the very least Jared pocketed SIXTY MILLION DOLLARS. And for...
I don't think he believes that at all, and probably never did.
Jenna Ellis before the judge this morning: "I relied on other lawyers with far more experience.... I should have done my due diligence.... I...
A reminder about Chesebro: An architect, along with Eastman, of the fake electors scheme... who wrote in a memo: "It is important that the...
trump is now claiming that Sidney Powell is not his attorney and never was. But there's this: [IMG]
EXCLUSIVE: Saudi crown prince bragged that Jared Kushner gave him CIA intelligence about other Saudis saying 'here are your enemies' days before...
The point?
You can hope.
to criminally trying to steal an election. In exchange for their pleas, they will be required to testify truthfully against any remaining...
I care more when houses are destroyed. If it was an active church... pffft... whoever destroyed it did us all a favor.
And nothing you've posted shows that he did. In fact, all that stuff has been investigated already by the FBI.