by the Supreme Court of Colorado. By the clear wording of the Fourteenth Amendment they, of course, got it right PROVIDED that trump actually...
Last night at his New Hampshire rally trump parroted the words of Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin, and praised Putin and Kim Jong Un. He...
OF COURSE you don't care that donald trump plans to be a dictator. He's white. That's what you want... a white dictator. You've demonstrated...
And let's interrupt this thread to take a moment to cheer the jury verdict against Rudy Guliani. That PIECE OF SHIT, knowing full well the...
Mark Meadows asked the Secret Service to rush to the Justice Department to declassify a brochure of intelligence gathered by our CIA and FBI on...
Baloney. It would be quite easy in stages. For example, it might look something like: 1 - Undefeated Power 5 champions 2 - Any other...
Florida State got screwed. The criterion should be four most DESERVING, not four best. What's "best"? Who's to say FSU wouldn't beat Alabama,...
You are a very creepy lunatic.
Hunter Biden has never held a position in our government... who gives a shit.
And now we learn that the little shitstain was partnered heavily with Exodus, a gay "conversion therapy" group that has since disbanded and whose...
That would require some introspection on your part, but you're too far gone. A victim of childhood indoctrination, I suspect.
And now we learn that Putin's close pal Konstantin Nikolaev, the principal stockholder in American Ethane Co., donated over $37,000 to Mike...
Really? What republic do YOU live in? Because mine is still standing, DESPITE that hypocritical little shitstain's attempt to nullify our...
That little shitstain's first legislative proposal?... to make it easier for the ultra-rich to cheat on their taxes. As I've always said... the...
An actual quote by that evil little shitstain: "Experts project that homosexual marriage is the dark harbinger of chaos and sexual anarchy that...
This evil Mike Johnson jackass actually believes that people will go to hell for laughing at Danny DeVito's satirical version of Satan: "This is...
And now this holy roller slimeball we know as Mike Johnson wants to fund Israel's defense but not Ukraine's. WHAT THE FUCK has Israel ever done...
"No telling" is the key phrase there. You have nothing to tell. You have absolutely no evidence of Joe Biden giving anything in exchange. But...
Because you can't. You would have been truthful, though, if you had said "because they're the white supremacist party". Of course, you're an...