Today Darling Nikki proclaimed "America has never been a racist country". Either she's as fucking stupid as donald trump or she knows that a...
- trying to kill his own vice president? - raping a woman in a department store? - mocking a disabled reporter? - stealing classified documents? -...
I don't think 51% for the incumbent is anything to crow about. I'm encouraged by the Iowa vote that a lot of republicans will not have sufficient...
So what does a racist moron who doesn't realize he's a moron say about the Civil War? "I’m so attracted to seeing it. There was something that...
And there's the second common ploy: "No, YOU are", as if "vermin... poisoning the blood of our nation" isn't a tacit confession. As if blaming...
So, at a town hall meeting, Nikki employed the typical, predictable denial among racists.... "I had black friends growing up." Criminals...
Well isn't that soooooo convenient for you: that some bad actors back in Africa mean that you can blame slavery in America on THEM, so you can go...
Well, you're lying, of course. I'm all in favor of requiring photo ID for voting. And I've got black next door neighbors. And here's the...
I am certain that you do. Everyone? Not everyone. I'm certainly not. But MAGAts certainly are, as are the great majority of Republicans.
There's video, moron.
You didn't ask me a question, moron. And then like a chickenshit with no moral backbone you didn't answer mine, moron.
Which party parades with Confederate flags? Which party fights hard to keep memorials to Confederate traitors? Which party wants to erase Civil...
So tell me why Nikki refused to mention slavery as a cause for the Civil War. How was this the left making "people of color only spaces" instead... “I think the cause of...
1983: This was 40 years ago... long before he was elderly. A frequent side effect of Adderall addiction is diarrhea. trump was kicked out...
And what are we looking at here?: [IMG] Well, I'll tell you: At his most recent speech trump was seen standing with his toes on pads....
trump smelled "really bad" on the set of The Apprentice, according to multiple sources. "trump paid me a bunch of money to spend the day with...
The Lincoln Project has released an ad mocking trump's smell. I'm pretty sure that trump does not mind being called a traitor, or a rapist, or a...
You'll still have an option to vote for somebody who didn't engage in an insurrection against our government. trump removed himself by being a...
I don't imagine that. I'm just passing along information provided by credible witnesses. And other witnesses have called him the stupidest...