Good look with that. Just the process of appeal will require that shitstain will have to pony up 20% of the judgment and collateralize the rest....
Just as I said, you don't have the brainpower for the question. There are several reasons the statute exists. And you couldn't come up with...
James Carville speaks out on trump's sneaker and cologne grifts: "The man has a diaper leakage problem". [MEDIA]
And PREDICTABLY he doesn't blame Putin and PREDICTABLY makes it all about himself being a victim. As we sit here watching trump lodging himself...
He wasn't actually "convicted"... it was a civil trial. He was found to have committed fraud, and then was punished with monetary fines plus...
No. We shouldn't allow mail-in results to affect the inclination or lack thereof of live voters to appear on election day.
promoting adult diapers instead of sneakers. As Mark Cuban said, what sort of self-respecting billionaire would be selling shoes? Except that he...
Even if that were true (it's not) how is that an argument against passing a strong immigration bill NOW? And don't respond with "it's weak" when...
Just more bullshit you don't actually believe, you MAGAt imbecile.
Level headed republicans (they DO exist but are very rare) push back against the notion that a president can easily shut down the border. Why...
Even if that's true how is that an argument against passing the bill NOW, you imbecile?
You're full of shit, of course. If "enforcing what was already on the books" is a solution for immigration then why did JAMES LANKFORD, one of...
Not particularly disgusting except that his face automatically invokes disgust in any moral human, but this recent photo of diaper donnie...
BREAKING NEWS Feb 6: Federal Appeals Court has denied trump's claim of total immunity. In other news... water is wet. trump's claim was...
To tell them about his son was not the purpose of his call. You're a liar. You're a deplorable.
Of course you're lying. Hillary Clinton was correct about the lot of you: you're deplorable.
This week President Biden called the family of a fallen American soldier to tell them that the USA shares in their sorrow. Biden also correctly...
Oh, Biden could stop immigration, sure... with a trump solution... shoot and electrocute people. Joe Biden, thankfully, is not the monster...
When trump was elected he had a republican Senate and a republican House. Why didn't HE solve the border crisis then? He could have passed...
This episode is a good illustration of what the republican party has become... it's not about serving the country, but is a cult of personality....