This is especially true for Vitamin D!! Class in session. Sars-CoV-2 has a protein called nsp1, it is the first protein transcribed from the...
Doesn't matter ... Doctors are allowed to write off label all the time. Throwing doctors in prison for practicing medicine is a crime against...
Here's the problem mancha .... A doc in Fayettville just got sent to jail for prescribing ivermectin at a prison. WHY? Why are we arresting...
I can't stop laughing at this.
Unfortunately .... it's NOT! ......
LOL ... so you are now blaming TRUMP for the shit show. Figures.
But he doesn't send out mean tweets.
Again ... seabrook ... how many vaccinated people experience those long term effects? Unvaccinated people are no more of a threat than another...
OK .. seabrook .... how many of those breakthrough infections end up in the hospital and dead? Like I said ... if I'm vaccinated you are no...
I didn't say I oppose vaccines ... I said I don't believe in mandates. I'm smart enough to know to get my kids vaccinated against serious...
That's irrelevant. If you have Covid and I've been vaccinated, you are no threat to me.
As a matter of fact, I do oppose requiring vaccines to attend a Tax Payer Funded school. As I said, the vaccinated are not threatened by the...
It's Oregon Winston .... that is all that need be said.
And .. there is the rub! MOST of your pals in the Establishment Government are not content to let others choose their own path and pay the...
I've already told you I would. I will be content with a good faith effort to address the issues, and the audit is about as good faith as it...
Here's another for ya!...
And . there you nailed it. "if they would work with us". But the Afghans are a bunch of SHEEP!! They are prime for the picking from anyone who...
Give me your thoughts on this data Mancha ........
I'm certain it won't matter what the audit shows, even if it shows significant data ... you and Winston will dismiss it, just like the activists...
I'm sure you are jumping for joy ... but the report is already done, and the data is recorded.