For Rex ... 3 new PEER REVIEWED studies showing that the increase in energy imbalance since 2001 is due to decreased clouds....
Context GDF. "nasa is lying?" as an answer to post the study b.s. and is a deferment to "authority". Just because it is NASA doesn't mean it is...
Post the study instead of your lame bull shit answers.
no .. you can't go on and on .... otherwise you would post a link to those numerous studies you claim say that.
Sorry .. there is not a SINGLE study that shows what you are saying! There just isn't.
Um .... no, that is false. The bogus 97% meme regards abstracts of papers, not scientists. The author of the 97% paper was a journalists, not a...
To be fair ... this is what happens when you let the Federal Government enjoy unconstitutional involvement in the economy. Do a little research...
You seem to proving the sentiment inherent in your post is false.
Ya know what people like you forget to say .... is that unvaccinated are 1/2 as likely to die today than they were back in December, and they are...
Isn't this cultural appropriation?
Now that's a good one!! LOL
Long term Climate impacts are almost an unscientific endeavor! Simply put, Science requires you be able to test a hypothesis. Climate Changes...
What'd I tell you .... vaccines don't prevent spread.
Sorry . I'm not taking the word of anyone who lowered the standards to the point that they appeared on Hardball with Chris Mathews, Just not...
Shane .. ol buddy ol pal .... stop it. You know I'm on your side with regards to mandates and all that ... but the mRNA vaccine is a vaccine, and...
Here's your man made global warming. A couple of lose nut academics running around starting fires. God these people are nuts!...
[IMG] Compliments of The Gateway Pundit....
Maddening isn't it. I think the "play" for the RINO crowd like Winston is ..... Biden served the purpose of getting rid of Trump, ... Biden will...