Wow ... just wow. You are so ignorant is hurts.
Dems actually look natural.
IF the court is smart, the jury members names will remain anonymous. Otherwise, fricken LEFTISTS will dox 'em and burn their houses down.
Fox is reporting on the dozens of "corrections" being issued by the Washington Post regarding the Russia garbage. IMO ... issues corrections...
Always aim for the center of the heart!!!
I know I'm just a bistander in this little "debate" .... but ... LOL. "Outspar" ..... KiiAAAAIIIIII [ATTACH]
And then there is Colleen Cole ... I love these kinda tops. [IMG] [IMG]
Thank you Duck for saving this thread from a complete derailment.
LOL ... Come on up here Chuck ... [MEDIA]
We are looking at someone who can get away with it. Fox News dared not show the clear picture that shows a really big Black girl taking down a...
As presented in news stories [IMG] What it really looks like [IMG]
confirmation bias and truth are not the same thing!
It is not compromise when the compromise is destroying the constitution.
To be honest ... I wasn't totally against Bill Clinton!! For the most part. he was a pretty effective president. My only beef with him was his...
But none of his lying and thieving made into policy. So your beef with him is personal and has nothing to do with his Presidency.
There was only ONE compromise ... it is called the Constitution. No more compromise is needed. Further compromise means the original compromise...
But that is where you go wrong GDF .... the government is NOT supposed to be your friend. They are supposed to run the business of the nation....