EXACTLY .... an insurrection is an attempt to overthrow an authority or the government, .. that's quite a bit different from protesting the...
Glad you asked Mancha ..... NO .. myocarditis is a rare result of all viral infections. The key is, the viral infection has to reach the...
How about an artistic Black and White. [IMG]
These are obviously glued on ... but ... what a pretty face. [IMG]
Thank GOD!!
Would you like to take a gander at how long testing was for all of the above drugs except Aspirin? Hint: It's measured in years. I'm not overly...
You misspelled her name. .... Kumalot Harris.
There is nothing novel about this disease. I've been telling you people for months that vaccines don't stop infections. Never have!!. Even with...
I just couldn't help but posting this here ..... this picture sums up the leftosphere's idiocracy about Climate Change. [IMG]
And that is the danger of having a politicized FED! It's just like the danger of a politicized SCOTUS.
I think that is pretty close to where we go .. Monarch Mountain. Same .. no lines, cheap, charming. Not a really big place, but heck ... with...
The only thing worth saving in Ukraine is the girls. [IMG]
Ya know .... interestingly, we don't know that polio is eradicated in the US. The case of Polio is similar to COVID and the FLU. The vaccine...
Nah ... he just pinched a little girls tit!! .... nothing sexual there at all!! .. .move along ... nothing to see.
storm /stôrm/ Learn to pronounce verb past tense: stormed; past participle: stormed 1. move angrily or forcefully in a specified direction. You...
OK ... don't know why .... but it looks like someone had to really dig deep in the wayback machine for this post. The OP is dated like Oct 2002...