I've been catching all of this information from other sites as well. The guy is spot on ... it is our MEDIA! The total lack of integrity of...
Yes .. but IF a longer term impact of vaccination appears, like permanent cardiac damage in 1% of the vaccinated, then you are looking at a case...
So ... how many BLM terrorists are still rotting in jail? NOW .. how many peaceful Jan 6th protestors are still rotting in jail? AND .. there's...
The concept of "circling the wagons" escapes some people. NO Washington Insider pay the price.
You don't understand much about Aristocrats do you?
Of course Trump was challenging the reported results of the election!! But ... challenging the results and expecting the system to work for...
Yeah ... ain't nuttin like "hatin'" on a Asian Woman! There is just so much to hate! LOL [IMG] [IMG]
It's interesting you say this. In Grad School, I was had several Chinese in my lab, and they said the exact same thing. Their words, not mine...
Fair enough?? Are you saying that you indeed have no fucking idea whether or not he was an "anti-vaxxer", but you claimed he was anyway!!!!...
REPEAT REPEAT REPEAT!! If HR1 makes it through, the GOP will never hold a majority in the Senate again, nor will they ever win POTUS again....
And that is where the rub comes in with this rube in the WH. Trump was willing to go toe to toe with Putin, and wasn't concerned about how it...
I just want to thank your sorry butt for wasting the last 40 minutes of my life! .... liked your subject ... but then I had to watch all the tic...
.... and what would that be?