Yes ... he is serious. Somehow he can't wrap his brain around the fact the loss for Trump was a WIN for Biden ... err ... or Obama ... err ... or...
Even a blind hog finds a nut every once in awhile! I checked out the machine coding, and gave you a link. But .. I won't bother to worry about...
I've already listed the Obama judges who were instrumental in dismissing the cases. You just ignore that.
Well .... I don't know. Ol Jovan Pulitzer showed the technology they used and what they were looking for. Contrary to what the MSM and lying ass...
Well .... here we are waiting with baited breath to see what the fricken AZ audit concluded. Like I said earlier ... I am really getting tired...
...and here I thought you were going to say ..."eat a "Brownie" and graduate from Cub Scouts">
Biden definitely f**ked this up. But really, the real problem is the Afghan people. I got to thinking about the munitions and equipment. We...
Well .... you really can't call an "unarmed" civil disturbance an "insurrection". The Taliban are showing you what a real "armed insurrection"...
Yes .. but China is their friend ... and I'm sure China would love to get a hold of any technology that was left on board.
Man ... this Afghanistan shit show just keeps getting better and better. WHO's FRICKEN BRILLIANT idea was it to leave Black Hawk Helicopters and...
Whoa ... you think trading the Trump Base ... all 74 Million of them for a handful of "moderates" ... a.k.a., people who are democrats but...
Since when do Conservatives treat them as if they are a lost cause? If anything, conservatives try to convince them that the lost cause is...
Yes ... we absolutely prove your point because your point is STUPID! We shouldn't have to "cater" to minorities to get their vote. Conservative...
You can't counter them!! Unlike white people, other races of people stick together like GLUE! 90% + of African Americans vote Democrat, policy...