Never said I was defending Russia invading Ukraine. My intention is to better understand the circumstance. But, I'm sorry, I'm not buying this...
Corporate take over is rather strait forward. You buy the majority of STOCK, and you own it. A common way of doing this is to approach existing...
One day, you'll realize that the "Russia is the Devil" narrative is a fabrication on the part of the US Government. The USSR is dead and gone,...
3.98 here. .. and rising.
Yes .. but for "every preceding republican president" before, it was just a talking point for getting votes. Trump actually oversaw it happen.
LOL ... killing the planet my ass.
I'm all in for blaming Bush as well Mancha! I don't pull punches. All of these people on here who think the US Government is some kind of moral...
Don't argue with ME Rex-i-poo .... go argue with the very well referenced document from the CATO institute. And then you can go argue with the...
No ... I 'm saying if that it wasn't for your boys ... there'd be no reason for Putin to even consider slaughtering freedom. We didn't have this...
The truth hurts doesn't it REX!! Your boys Obama and Biden started this shit back in 2014! And now crybabies like you want to whine when their...
Go back and play with your Legos Rex ... Biden's green energy fixation is having a much greater impact than 1 or 2 cents.
On a not so nice note ... you people are out and out idiots if you believe the narrative coming out of Washington D.C. Yes, it's terrible, yes...
I'm not justifying Russia invading Ukraine, that was a complete failure of diplomacy. I'm giving you the backdrop that lead to it. Suffice it to...
Thought I would share this answer with you guys to a question on a debate board regarding Trump, NATO, Putin, Ukraine and Russia. What if...
I'm surprised you can read that article with a straight face! The real question is, would have Putin invaded Ukraine with Trump or Biden. The...
To be fair, ... and lord knows I despise Biden ... but the gasoline thing is not totally his fault. Biden's fixation on Global Warming is not...
That is under the flawed assumption that Russia wants to re-establish an empire! Remember after we destroyed Japan? Did we continue to fear...
Man ... you guys still talking about the Kung Flu?? I am so over that whole episode.
Winston .... one day you'll pull your head out of your butt and realize that OUR POLITICIANS and Washington D.C. is are the most CORRUPT cabal on...