Even if what you claim is accurate, the extremely sensitive documents weren’t his to keep, weren't kept securely and he lied about having them. I...
Walls just about closed in DOJ response is damning. A picture of the “secure” files. [ATTACH]...
So you’re saying this is strictly a political act and Trump is absolutely innocent of any wrongdoing. Believing that quid pro quo is the solution...
Self fulfilling prophecy there Shane
Trump Woke Up and Went on a 60-Post, QAnon-Fueled Social Media Spree Former President Donald Trump spent Tuesday morning feverishly sharing...
As the oranges came raining down.
You think?[ATTACH]
This from a very stable person. [ATTACH]
They were. Brandon reclassified them the same way Trump supposedly declassified them. Seriously regardless there are two points you either ignore...
How it will end [ATTACH]
More on the idiocy of debt forgiveness. https://reason.com/2022/08/24/biden-student-loan-debt-forgiveness-cancel/
Well reasoned and accurate. https://www.nationalreview.com/2022/08/bidens-student-loan-wipeout-sticks-it-to-the-poor/
You mean the hoax that resulted in the convictions of Trump’s national security advisor, campaign manager, deputy campaign manager, foreign policy...
What event are we talking about? If you can’t figure that out you’re stupider than I thought.
So why did the Trumpster take the top secret files to MAL? Obviously he never bothered reading them while he was in off, he just wanted to...
He might have….actually he did. MAL is a golf course.