you have some kind of point or outrage? Id suggest you settle down its just a discussion. HE changed his position on the HB1 visas, first he said...
both of his answers on what, im talking about the entire debate, the immigration part to many other positions he is changing, which is why people...
right on time!
im talking about the lust for Trump, its hilarious, they poked so many holes in this policies and positions last night it and its not even going...
this is if nothing, hilarious. Im entertained and that takes a lot
you have to stop making sense to make some folks happy. Hyperbole is the only way to win an argument.
every team has a shot every game in the NBA.
yall glad to have me back, so we can argue about nonsense mostly.
you have a right to feel that way, i dont for the most part. I think the HCA could be better, his foreign policy kinda stinks. but everything else...
you have a point, but for black people opportunity has been tied to race for so long, its hard to change that fact.
lol yall are crazier than I imagined.
by who exactly? Because the tea party and others have been so kind to him and never said anything racist towards him, they have just argued or...
Take me for an example, Im not voting for Hillary. I think I would vote for Rand Paul over her, do I have that choice or this racist egomaniac.
you arent paying attention to his rallies then. a wink and nod is sometimes worst then coming out and saying it.
i guess trump is having real discussions on race. I dont see how Obama has reinforced white guilt at all. I guess by design of him being black, he...
they do matter to me, i rather see everyone do well and for folks not to pit race against race, we are created equal, at least thats what the...
all of that is funny, when did Obama tell you that you are a racist POS or shame you for being white. Sounds just like Trump supporters, paranoia,...
he is pretty angry. maybe the man is keeping him down like other Trump supporters say.
no need to get angry because you dont read so well.
lol ok. somethings you just cant take back. If people fall for the reboot of Trump, well its all lost.