i wish you had clear eyes, if this happens, the GOP is forever lost, because Marco can beat Hillary, its a poorly kept secret and the Republican...
this quote will come back to haunt you, the only problem with his game is is passiveness.
its consequences for both actions now or after Florida he will suffer, its a calculated decision that no one in his campaign including himself has...
not a chance, he will rebound down the road, not this year. Marco is popular in South Florida among a lot hispanic republican and moderates, but...
he will rebound, I kinda hate him, but he is smart and knows the issues, he says a lot of shit he doesn't believe himself and thats from a close...
lol.... wait till he is gone
his little brother, Richard.
losing this tax revenue could put the state in the red.
lol good disclaimer. some nights you are just off like hell and there is nothing you can do about it. ive had games where I couldnt hit shit, but...
people on the other side are hoping the same with the rise of Bernie, but i cant support a socialist.
I dont like a lot of Obamacare, I dont like the Iran deal. Deficit spending happens during the end of recessions and recoveries, ask Ronald.
what does any of that mean, sycophants, because I dont agree with your position reeks in maturity. its pointless to explain what I disagree with...
I agree with that 60 second answer on the spot is pretty tough for anyone. It is a setup.
Bush blame was rightly placed, ive criticize Obama on a couple of different positions, your bias is hardcore, nothing pragmatic about it.
Im not telling you who to vote for either, Im challenging his positions. yall seem to have a problem with that.
same could be said for George Bush, we could do this all day. Thats just a matter of preference. you're upset because he supposedly challenged...
ok fair enough if thats what you want. I just can't take people serious who say that, its ok to challenge someone on policy and you can defend it....
I asked if you had some kind of outrage hence the question mark. its yes or no.