im not saying that. i think you misunderstood my post.
the end of the discussion is to say how stupid it is to suggest you can round every muslim up in the world and send them somewhere, they tried...
i wasn't, must be the hippies, the article talked about.
possibly on chanting.
how do you feel about Buddhist
Is the math on his side?
sounds familiar, keep going.......
well what did you say.
so protesting is the same as shooting an unarmed black man in the back. gotcha.
you guys? I ve criticized that movement from the start, but its legitimate to be concerned about some police actions against minorities.
hmmmm, what about the people that converted to Islam while being born in some country in Europe. where should they go? i have no love for Islam,...
lol my bad.
a non sequitur, of course personal responsibility is a huge factor in drug abuse however, nice deflection from this topic. Being the topic is how...
This is all fine, but Obama says black lives matter have some legitimate beef and speak on race a handful of times and he is oppressing the white... Journalist Dan Baum wrote in the April cover story of...
love the entertainment huh
i agree with all of that, but games like that down the stretch happen more often than not.
thats my point, if they rely on him alone, they wont get to 72. Everyone else was pretty awful that night as well.
79 points on the road wont cut it.
that was always a bad idea, but thats the United States model. However, security is not coordinated between those countries, thats the problem and...