yes because the last republican did a bang up job, he left country in great shape. lets be for real for once.
Calipari is not a great game time coach, as much as the rumors from the NBA seems to come for him, he is just not that good. But you are right, he...
whats interesting is how they are creating the PACs now, the billionaires are running them and not looking for political operatives to run them.
they landed in Milwaukee at like 3 30 in the morning. Take the 2012 contest between Mitt Romney and...
what made you think he could coach?
every time Johnny Jones!
why is it in the FSA? not a well thought out thread.
i still believe Harris can be a good QB.
none of those words started in 2015
homegrown stupidity /thread
Back to Affirmative Action, you want to demoralize a person, give them something by telling them you werent good enough to earn it on your own....
if you are talking to me, I read the whole transcript, its still disgusting.
Affirmative Action is like sharecropping.
yea he is but in his position, he should know better and i dont even agree with Affirmative Action.
no one is arguing that it will forever be gone, but to use this in an oral argument at the SC, by a justice is pretty fucking telling.
read Scalia past briefs on AA, voting rights act, etc. This is his M.O. no one should be surprised. And Limbaugh said more than that, but...