I understand that taking the 5th does not mean that you are guilty. But I also understand that juries and Americans in general, rightly or...
The committee does not have to charge anyone. They are investigating and will refer any recommended charges to the DOJ. Their primary goal is to...
Subpoenas are MANDATORY, not suggestions. Bannon did not appear. He is GUILTY. Some of the Republicans testifying before the Jan 6 Committee...
All irrelevant.
Can't wait for the deleted Secret Service texts to be recovered. You know they are somewhere. Nothing gets permanently deleted today. When they...
Donald Trump is a traitor and he should meet the fate of a traitor. Even his most ardent staff members say so.
Matthew Pottinger, who served on former President Donald Trump's National Security Council before resigning in the immediate aftermath of January...
Vice President Herschel Walker
Dude, there are several things he has done in the past and can do again. It doesn't take imagination to look at past actions and presume history...
Yes, I'm making a very reasonable speculation based on Trump's personality and history. There is no evidence because it hasn't happened yet....
If you are not aware that Trump has a deep-seated desire to get revenge on his political enemies, then you are very blind. For instance, he is...
You said it better than me. There is a Republican civil war on the horizon. Mega donors are already backing DeSantis instead of Trump. They are...
Trump would gladly sabotage DeSantis just to get his personal revenge. That's his maniacal personality. Is that really what you want? Another...
Well you sure care enough to continue posting about it. If you didn't care you wouldn't post so adamantly about not caring. Look, Trump is not...
Do you really think that if DeSantis got the nomination over Trump that Trump would just fall in line and support DeSantis?
Do you think Trump would pick DeSantis as a running mate? Why?
Have you seen Trumps crowds, or lack thereof, recently? Trump will never have DeSantis as a running mate because DeSantis is not the type to be...
No, he won't get over it. But he WILL lose.
You are correct that Trump will not take over the country, because DeSantis is going to kick his rear. There are more than enough Republicans who...
You really think Trump will get over losing to DeSantis?