Davenport balling too... DD 56 is playing lights out... Best lb since Vilma, although I don't know if he is the defensive QB that Vilma was......
Saints win... Who Dat...
Finally no holding... 1st down Saints
And they tackle really well...
Coming off a timeout too...smh
Fuck these refs man... So our o line is the only one that is holding
Anthony had a great rookie year iirc... Then they moved him out of position and then wondered why he didn't thrive... Looked it up and he had 112...
It's the salary cap we're working with... Give Mark 1 million more, that's 1 million somebody else can't get... Squeeze a balloon and the air just...
This. I prefer a strong defense a well. Our last 2 chamois championships prove that out. The sooners and buckeyes both came in with prolific...
The answer was in the game thread... SEC refs suck
They're missing a D. White player in the locker room that would get in other players faces and provide that leadership (and kick in the ass)......
Sec refs suck... personal foul still stands
This is just like the current zebras... Fuck Roger
Division winner gets the higher seed over a wildcard team... As far as bad shit, I also remember toi (toast) cook chasing rice into the endzone...
We don't usually play well in the purple, usually because we break then out against our rent a win games... Let's hope we make this week easy like...
One of the greatest theme songs ever...
And done... Breaks a string of 5 opening game loses for us
I don't think Marcus knows the definition of his role... And he still hasn't learned from his tackling mistake in Minnesota 2 years ago... The...
Hydration is at least 3 days prior to and shouldn't be optional.
It was funny on a play that Herbie was trying to give Texas credit for their great blocking and the tackle has 2 hands full of klc jersey... He...