If you can eat yourself to 400 lbs you can certainly smoke weed. Or do any drug. Easier for those who don’t to get ahead.
Spin it how you want. Russian Navywas docked in the North. You know, frens…..
Too bad snakes still move for a while after. They better hope their intel is right. Just the world at stake.
False. Russian ships showed up and boom, they stayed home.
Over under more Muslims are killed in WW3 than Jews in WW2?
The fact that either of you think it’s one side or the other is hilarious
It was exactly true.
You tell me
You must have a lot of “got him now” conversations “earmarked”…
It’s what they want Trump to do. Too bad he has the money to fight it. Wall after wall. So many closing in….
Walls closing in hehehhehehhe hahahhahahah lolololololol
Why does Joe Biden smell little kids?
I just knew you followed Trump on Twitter.
Like Hunter did?
It might be. It might not be. Either way, one should not care. I dont even think 500 died. Maybe 15. But again, it doenst matter.
Possible. Then again, that is exactly what they would have us believe. I don’t care. But I don’t want US troops there. But we are sending them...
Conflicting reports on that one. the video of the Hamas rocket failing was over an hour before the strike on the hospital. Seems likely once...
He needs1 more win this year to equal the last 2 years of wins combined. Considering the state of the program before he got there, he has done a...