Yeah but maybe that attitude got them there. Those girls aren’t as butt hurt as you are
No disrespect to you @TerryP , and I thank you and everyone who wants to do something. If a Gump is stepping up to do something someone else here...
this is a dog and pony show. It does nothing to detract Trump supporters and the prosecution cannot win this case. There is noting to prove...
Insurrection alert in Tennessee. I read that there are big plans for an insurrection in DC this weekend. Haven't these tranny gun control...
Meatball Ron should say he will pardon Trumps when he wins the election. That is the thing to say.
I never trusted that White Perch sac a lait guy. I don't know Kyle but I am sure he is a good dude. All I know is he likes to festival cook...
Yes I think COVID was a big factor in how Dems organized and pushed voters to mail in ballots when they would normally not mail in or even vote....
He hasn't even won a championship yet. It took a Natty for Miles and O to start playing grab ass with female hanger-on's. anyway, I read they...
Lots of pauses. Lots of ovations. No diverging from the script. No questions to answer He will do fine. he might get his guests names wrong though.
Theo Von at the game. This team is Drawing celebs.
For $300. Who are three people who don't post here anymore?
I thought you started a women's sports thread? This new thread is unnecessarily redundant. But what about that instagram gymnast girl? People...
beatings are getting out of hand. Damn, 5 black police officers lay into a black guy at a traffic stop. Antifa are just now getting around to...
Or it is extremely significant. What the fuck world does the US govt operate in where designated classified documents get to go home with you...
He has classified documents and she has classified documents and they have classified documents at their homes. Er body has classified documents...
The city would be empty. They moving to the DFW no way. Maybe Oklahoma
The silence is defining. No excuses no words from the followers here or from Biden. He just laughs it off and redirects. we aren’t getting any...
Things that make me yawn. What do you think he is saying?
Right? He turned them over 6 years after he took them. We learn about it 2 months after they were discovered in his possession. Time delay...
This shit really has to stop. I can't wake up and see another story like this. The leader of our country in illegal possession of classified...