There is a lot of back and forth on this topic. In one of these threads there is a post that talks about recruits knowing how passionate the fans...
Any chance the recruits are reading this thread and thinking to themselves...holy shit that fan base can't agree on anything, I am going to Kentucky.
10 pages, wow!
Yes we should be able to coach football in order to be a fan. Sorry Herb for not being a coach, I should re evaluate my life now.
It happens everywhere not just LSU. We don't corner the market on it. Auburn was blowing up while Gene Sizzlechest was coach. Alabama has been in...
Then let me be toxic. If I can't be critical of a disappointing performance from the team I love then what is the point? I ride out the good and...
Mommy! Daddy! Somebody is saying something negative! I don't think I want to go to school over there because that bad poster said something. Can...
Might have to give it a whirl sometime. See if I can pick it up out here these days.
Most of these kids are not going to Alabama or LSU to find a father figure in the head coach. They go to the school because it is the best way for...
This is the part I have never understood. Most LSU fans with a deep hatred of Saban act like scorned lovers because he went to Alabama. It was no...
The "powers that be" would suck it up and deal with it just because of the revenue winning brings in. The "powers that be" suck it up with Les'...
o·ver·re·act ˌōvər-rēˈakt/ verb verb: overreact; 3rd person present: overreacts; past tense: overreacted; past participle: overreacted; gerund or...
Not sure I see it being personal. If I talked about his momma or greasy Grammy then sure that is personal. Saying he is not good is not personal....
When does that contentment begin? I am 44 and don't see it yet.
I am sensing a lot of Bama hostility in this thread, is it me or is my spider sense off today? :)
We will be alright but it would have been nice to have him back.
As upset as I have been with the LSU Defense this year, I am hoping these couple of solid games are a glimpse of what we will see next year (minus...
Is there anything that is not on Youtube these days?
I highly doubt that. If Ohio State gets to dance that is enough to propel the "legacy" of Urban Meyer. He is already a god up there and even the...
I just want to see the offensive light it up like this year with a solid defense at the same time. Just give me a complete team for a year and let...