I mentioned this back before Christmas. Makes you think they got something wrapped up, maybe a tiny angry man?
Was it like the 2004 "People's National Championship" that Auburn has?
No it is a serious violation but it is ok if Auburn pays Scam Newton and Alabama pays Fluker. Those aren't violations.
Maybe it is that I really don't care about playing Iowa who knows but none of the bowl match ups are really getting my motor running. I will...
Don't get me wrong, I am not talking against our schedule. My issue remains about pot calling the kettle black on the 2014 schedule. I do believe...
I am with you there.
I did not see any sense of entitlement from Auburn while living in that state, they just hate Alabama. Now if you mean just Alabama (school not...
Call me crazy but isn't this thread just the pot calling the kettle black? We don't exactly have a brutal schedule next year.
Shit, I would have to point back to the chop block on Glenn Dorsey
Sweet, I would play for a juice box.
Plus Tampa is not exciting to me at all.
Agree, not much on such a high profile coaching search. When USC was searching there were posts all over about different possible directions.
To this I agree. I have no desire to watch NFL unless it involves former Tigers. I would love to go see the 49ers play just to see those guys play...
I went home last weekend to Birmingham and it was amusing to me that some of my non football friends were asking me my take on the Saban to Texas...
Are they giving away participation trophies?
Even with the way the last one ended (I went to that one), I am not excited about this game. This to me is one of those not so exciting bowl match...
2015-check 2016-check 2017-not excited about the location
I wish this were not true but I do believe you will be correct. I personally hate it when we schedule all the cupcakes. Maybe two at the most if...
Why the hell would he be on that committee? I would love to have heard him say that. Read this:...
Great first post for me to read this morning, lol