Is anybody by chance going to the Syracuse game? Booked our plane tickets yesterday. Let me know and maybe we can meet up for a beer or four.
Sorry I couldn't enlarge that photo, it seemed borderline creepy! And yes I kid...
Was it Quinn's body language that made you feel like he was worried to take a hit?
When is next year? We hear it every year and wonder when that payday will come.
Shit, I might just spit on my tv screen in his honor if he does...wait no, I would have to clean it off so scratch that.
WOW, how long did it take you to come up with that one? Hope you didn't strain something.
This thread lost my interest with the multiple pages on the perception of the boos. Who gives a fuck who they are intended for? YOU can't change...
take care all
Got really quiet in here
Don't pussyfoot around. If you are calling one person or a few people out do it but don't lump everybody into it. Not trying to piss in your corn...
I don't remeber those posts but I do remeber posts about Harris having the better upside and being the future. Did I miss posts?
maybe we should put Jennings in to make you happy
Last time that was said feathers got ruffled.
Woah woah, easy there chopper! You must not have met the sunshine pumpers.
Haha, now I KNOW not to go back and search for the post.
looks like i missed that one and I am glad!
did we lose GiantDuckFan? I haven't seen him post in a while.
I hate that anytime you talk about real live shit going on with LSU and calling the faults you get labeled a negatiger/Les Hater. Is this the real...