Well... uhh... at least it's almost over. That's about all I've got. Oh, and fuck you Ed Orgeron!
I'm not sure he ever had any good brain tissue. He apparently had a really cool binder at one time though... just ask Joe Alleva.
I agree 1000%.
I'm having a hard time with the whole Mel Tucker thing, I just can't get excited about it. I would probably go with Aranda before Tucker simply...
Wow! Helluva game! Max is playing his ass off but just doesn't have what it takes. Holds the ball too damn long and throws off his back foot way...
Unfortunately, that's not what I hear. Have some friends who have some connections at Ole Piss and word is he is actively lobbying for the LSU...
I think it's time to cut bait and send the shrimp boat captain packing early. This game was an embarrassment.
He is listed as DC for USC when Lame Kitten was the head coach.
Yesterday's game was a perfect example of why I don't want Mullen at LSU and why he will never win a championship. Florida is the 3rd best rushing...
Kiffin is just fool's gold. Remove the name Kiffin and just look at what he has accomplished in all of his stops. Nothing... except at Alabama......
I'm in Gainesville this week... on the Gator campus. Still wore my LSU gear out tonight. They are pretty confident and I don't blame them because...
At this point, I'm pretty much to the "anybody but Ed Orgeron" stage of the relationship. It has already passed the "turn off the sound because I...
Ugh... please no.
Ding, Ding Ding.... We have a winner! That's exactly what he is.
Have you watched much of the SEC lately? There aren't a lot great defenses anymore.
I don't see us beating Kentucky either. No way, no how.
As long as your taking suggestions... Lincoln Riley - I think he would listen to an offer Luke Fickell Mario Cristobal - Sorry GDF Matt Campbell
But seriously, what we are seeing now is exactly why I did not want Orgeron at LSU. He has never shown any self discipline and everything he's...
But... but... but... He has an awesome binder.
What a shit show. Orgeron should be fired before he makes it off the field.