Hell, he'd admit it a few seconds later when he corrected himself. Or when he would say Tigers gained 6 yards on first down and now face a second...
Yep, and after listening to Cam, Harris and comments by teammates maybe Harris will get the message much earlier in his career and become the QB...
So Kelly was shot evidently. Wonder if he was breaking into cars back then? 15 year olds do some stupid things.
So, did we have a Class of 2015? I feel like I've tuned into an old episode of Fantasy Island that morphed into West Side Story, only I'm cheering...
I really did laugh out loud!!!!
Fans used to bitch about Ferguson a lot back in the day, he could get pretty confused himself. However he was not in Hawthorne's league as far as...
I'll take that bet, we can let Red hold the money. How much you want to put up?
Damn Chavis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)
Just think how good that Davis lead UK team would have been under the old time rules when players couldn't leave early. Davis is already ten times...
Hopefully he will soon become the first coach at LSU to post two undefeated regular seasons and the only coach to win two SEC championship games...
You really think he is going to come out and say he was sitting on his ass and doing nothing in practice? Heck on I don't think hardly anyone...
Chad Lavalais and Justin Vincent are two that come to mind very quickly whom I am glad we didn't give up on right away.
So far these young pitchers have been very impressive, can't wait to see how they fare vs Ole Miss.
Valentine did not do what the Tiger staff told him he had to do in order to play. The young man needs to mature and realize he isn't in high...
They'll usually be no moral outrage in most parts of the country when the ncaa comes down on USC, Bama, Notre Dame or OSU.
D Mitch was very inconsistent most of the time though, but he did make some giant threes in big games.
I agree but I'm not a lawyer either. Would love to be a juror though.
Really, I feel better about what is going on especially hearing Cam's philosophy, what he expects to get out of his QB's and how they are becoming...
Glad we are playing a lot of games early on And against some pretty good teams. We need to find some more good pitching and develope these real...