Good informative (i.e. non-TuWho) post Also of note the only incumbent Governors to lose the other night while running for re-election were...
Why not just have a CNN/Coca-Cola/Delta state flag? After all, those 3 bought the most current rag, I meant flag.
I will be honored! Although I will cease at the first sign of TNT or his sidekick Tigre interfering with me doing my job. I will not participate...
They won the right to fillibuster in the Texas State House and the Missouri State Senate! These victories, marked by losing control of these state...
Embarassing loss for the first time in decades in the Maryland gubernatorial race for the Democrat these two campaigned for heavily. Nice job...
Nancy Pelosi, a maried white woman. Marty Frost, a married white male (albeit a Jewish male). These are the two leading candidates to the lead the...
Sir Biggles, my basketball focus is solely on one team. I must express with disappointment that I am not as of yet famiiar with the advertisement...
Are you referring to Barnes or TNT?
Tort Reform? That is of no interest to me. I'm looking forward to a new marketing strategy away from diversity to enthusiasm when vetting...
You expect America's foremost overworked HS trivia teacher to take this? Sitting down? No, he will redouble his efforts to a low minimum level to...
President Bush will appoint a proven person of integrity! He will do his homework on this appointment, no doubt about it. And the partisan hack...
Accounting Fraud began well before 2000. Kudos to President Bush for doing his homework unlike Clinton and acting decisively to rid the SEC of...
The highlight of my limited election coverage viewing was the story about the flyer circulated in Baltimore. Democratic Chairman Rappin' Terry...
Lots of qualified candidates waiting their confirmation and 2 that come to mind should be given their first fair hearing (Justice Owens and Judge...
Sir Biggles, your analysis is practically perfect. Your omission of the flag issue in the Governor's race was no doubt not mentioned by your...
As I predicted, Norm Coleman won the US Senate seat in Minnesota with his message of 2nd Amendment support and for cleaning up the Dems tragic...
Unprecedent reelection of a Republican Governor in Florida and in a total landslide (as I predicted!) to boot! The McBride campaign stumbled badly...
After 8 years of neglect under the Clinton administration, the market could use a strong SEC chairman like Rudy Guiliani. May make a nice 2 year...
Dems ran into a very popular President with strong coattails What a difference 8 years makes! This sure wasn't 1994 all over again, when a weak,...
Maybe Stricland can drown himself in clean water? What future for a two time loser? Hey Strick, the people of Colorado have now twice turned down...