As usual Sir Biggles, you bring up an excellent point with women voters. It suggests boldly the difficulty Terrell and other Republicans have in...
However unfortunate it was for the working people of Louisiana to send a powerless member back to DC, you must give Bill Clinton credit for the...
JD is oh so "right", Whites should JOIN black organizations. So that they can better understand the negro...and who knows what other benefits...
The American people's most sacred civil right, the civil right to bear arms was given a tremendous boost. The Ninth Circuit ruled that their is no...
Another one of his hair-brained schemes goes awry!
Johnny Jones lead us to the penthouse of college basketball. Lester Earl and Roy Williams schemed to put us in the doghouse. Now we are in the...
I really feel for this young man. He was treated terribly by Brady and the players know it. But you can bet their will be no shortage of suitors...
I feel for the underclassmen on this team. Do they transfer? How do they react when one of their best friends and most respected teammates is...
I have to agree with you on this TuWho? Shawnson and Stromile Swift were good friends going back to their high school days in Shreveport....
It is definitely good news for Louisiana. Go to WRBZ Channel 2's Website. Obviously the good people of Louisiana are following Sir Biggles' lead...
The latest WRBZ poll shows Ms. Terrell with a commanding lead over MARY! Obviously the people of Louisiana are choosing to have a strong voice in...
With MARY! obviously not going to be on the Appropriatons Committee should she steal this election also, it is imperative that Louisiana send Ms....
What a refreshing piece in the latest issue of "Cowboys and Indians" magazine about our Great Leader, George W. Bush. The article talks of how our...
Would that be one of her "out of the mainstream" positions? "Out of the mainstream" being the term used to describe her by Democratic "moderates"...
What are you talking about? If Huntsvilly and Hillbilly aren't elderly black gentleman, the next you will be telling me is that Okla Tiger is...
With all due respect Mr. Saint. I shall refrain until official clearance is given by Sir Biggles. I have made a hasty decision once on a...
I have several posts on the ready concerning the remarkable youthful appearance of 62 year old Ms. Pelosi of California (those eyes shimmer with...
World leaders respect our Great Leader! He lays down the facts of the situation, the import and with his intellectual power of persuasion,...
I am beginning to believe that with the exception of myself and Sir Biggles (both sensible enthusiastic moderates), this board is filled with too...
First the American people, then the Senate, now the UN, our Great Leader seeks and finds consensus and common ground. How very lucky we are! And...