Re: Trying to rewrite history I see since you guys screwed up the economy
First bath house was located in a log cabin. Ask TuWho? he played the piano and sang show tunes in several of these private clubs.
Enough is enough, I'm worried about this gentleman. The Johnson guy from CNN who was a former fraternity mate of Trent Lott. For 40 years now he...
A coincidence he annouces he is not running because he has no chance of winning while vacationing in New York? I think not. Al Gore's decision not...
Nothing to either party. Those right necks want to legislate both and the Democrats want to allow anything either place. That's why this...
Re: More relevant... If one had free time, lots of it, how would you go about giving a rat's ass about negroes? Is cheering for and being...
He may be in tune with the majority of the American people on most issues of race, but wait until people get wind of the fact that in 1983 as a...
Not all Demos have been quiet, ONE has stood up to Lott! Namely, the Reverend Al Sharpton. And is it any coincidence that both you and myself...
Re: And... Like those sick right wing bastards like TuWho? who champion his so-called Christian-based moral police who interrupt Senator...
What's the latest on Sen. Thomas? Let this be a lesson to those conservative Republicans who would force their morals on the rest of us. If not...
Them damn Republicans.
I was just about to bemoan the devastation of the Louisiana Log Cabin Republicans! Oh boy, just wait until Green Sox hears about the Orleans...
The backlash will be huge! Similar to the fate of the Republican Party in the US House when then minority member Richard Armey called Barney Fag...
Sir Biggles, the "Catdaddy" of Atlanta "cathouses" Is threatening to to "outdo" me with his canvassing of Atlanta establishments. I understand he...
Wait until I finish my petition of 1000 Women Who Strip Against War In Iraq petition. I already have Sparkles, Sindy, Bubbles, Cocoa and Imelda's...
Why do racists oppose segregated schools? Young negroes have a right to be in the Top 10% of their class or even at the top of the class. How in...
The 2nd Court of Appeals overruled extremist and renegade district judge Jed Rakoff (a Clinton nominee) on the issue of the death penalty. Jed...
The BIG question! Will Senator Lott's comments hurt Ole Miss' football recruiting? After all, athletics and entertainment is at the heart if not...
Unfortunately I will not be in attedance. However at the appropriate time I will unfurl the classic Georgia flag and observe proudly that...