Sir Biggles would not share a link unless it was important! Do not confuse the next Senator from the great state of Georgia with the scalawag...
I don't know the guy, I'm happy he's not white, make no mistake about it. And if I was registered to vote in Louisiana, I'd vote for him if for no...
John Blake, Ron Dickerson, Ron Cooper, Bobby Williams Oklahoma, Wake Forest, Louisville and Michigan State, they all made the leap of faith....
Sir, shouldn't you be stewing over the College Basketball Preview Magazines? I'd refer you to "Smith & Street", "Athalon's", "Windy's" and the...
No, this was a continuation of Gore v. BMW Your boy Stevens, found another theme in that old worn out document. This theme said big business...
I think you are probably in the majority TE So why not vote on it? Why pretend that its a Constitutional issue? The Constitution says nothing...
Sorry for my lack of specificity. The Supreme Court has ruled once again that somewhere buried deep in the carcass of what was once the...
You can f--k your boyfriend in the ass, and big business can f--k you in the ass and the Court clears the way and finds Constitutional reasons to...
No one would show their face unless they'd been sexually harassed. As someone who's been sexually harassed by every female supervisor and client...
Screw Louisiana, let's talk Georgia Senate Race! Biggles or Mary Squires? Forget the Republican Reps and those Uncle Toms on the GOP side, the...
I've posted this message on hundreds of messages boards to a favorable response and thought I'd stop by here and share the same viewpoint. First...
Ya Think? I thought it was because he was tired of being DeLay's token? Are you suggesting the hints of his financial difficulties may have lead...
For those interested, the rumor is Trent Lott will be appearing on "YO! MTV Raps" Friday night. Whereupon he will announce that he is in favor of...
It has come to my attention that there is a somewhat powerful union named AFSCME who is also quite happy with this "holiday"? Something about...
Excellent point as always Sir Biggles!
No, only have one other name. I'm known as Mr. VIP in some of the adult entertainment clubs in Winnipeg. I'm also known as the co-author of some...
OK, OK, so McCain is not perfect. He was right the first time in SC. But he has held strong on his vote with Lott on the Reverend Doctor...
Your ignorance would amaze if not so common.
Re: Trent Lott is a hypocritical fool (qualifies him for GOP leader IMO) Example #2 of what a dumbass this Lott is and how incompetent he is...
His resignation as Senate Majority Leaders should be offered forthwith. This idiot goes on his speaking tour to convince the media he is not a...