Is this some homophobia get-together? Both Enron and Arthur Andersen offered same-sex benefits. They were great corporate citizens in every...
LOL! That's a good one. But I felt there is too much voilence in The Terminator(s) and too much use of tobacco products in Bedtime! Which brings...
A very sad story tonight on 60 Minutes concerning thieves downloading major motion pictures from the internet. When you consider that this will...
What was the vote on the patriot act? I'll help. It was 98-1. Heil Bipartisanship! Who censors movies? I'll help. its censored through...
It should be an issue, but it isn't, but then aain it is. Because the neo-left is so desparate to find something that indicates they are truly...
I thought you joined me in believing this procedure should be absolutely legal. Are you joining Ms. Blanco and saying there must be an...
Blanco's "position" flows easily into the empty minded
Well your position is 180 from mine on the procedure. But, at least yours is intellectually honest, unlike Ms. Blanco and her ilk. Of...
Thank you for your feelings on Jindal's position. Remind me to ask about it and I'll have something to match your answer with! I was asking...
Can someone whose candidate or who personally opposes abortion except in (sing it!) "Rape, incest or life of the mother" please expand upon or...
For all those articulut and eloquint Democrats amongst us, here is the opportunity to express your views and promote your candidate without cruel...
Ethics? (code word) I disregard "ethics", because I find that term to closely tied with "morals" and I find "morals" to closely tied to the...
I'm not voting period, but I'll give some praise to Ms. Blanco. 1) She will march to DC and tell those jokers that she'll make the decision as...
Does that line get you laid? I'm pro-abortion and don't have to wiggle around about rape (does this mean an allegation of rape? a charge of...
What rubbish! I note how you refuse to rid your wardrobe of slave-made suits! I'm personally throwing out over $5k of "Sean John" Dacron...
He thrives on the exploitation of the weak and powerless. I have no doubt he will continue to wear this brand of jump-suit in courtrooms through...
Let me try to find one I agree with. I'll search.
I ain't goose-stepping to Adolf Kennedy and Eva O'Connor! Cut the empty-minded crap and the "proper context"! Context this, we have a court...
Despite the context, AJ is a great man b/c of the wisdom of that quote. it is truly timeless. And with our out of control Supreme Legislature...
"the justices made the ruling, let them enforce it." (Andrew Jackson). In this age of an out-of-control Supreme Legislature, has any great...