Got to do it before she pops the litter out.
Me and Fox Neither has the spin.
It worked in the 1st half but Chief adjusted and shut it down.
Bush isn't running for anything? Is there a point?
We lost 300,000 jobs. Another 300,000 gave up and are not included in the stas. Underemployed are not included in the stats. 8.6% unemployment...
Why don't you talk up your boy Ron Paul instead of constantly talking down everybody else? Democrat playbook 101.
I'm showing my wisdom and experience.
I could do it. Hand off the #3. Throw to #3.
And rightfully so. Got our ass kicked by St. Louis. No excuse for that.
I heard the whistles.
More time in class...less time here.
That explains the crack in my bedroom ceiling.
Legal or illegal is not the problem. It's the glorification of drugs by idiots who think they are OK.
That's true but drugs have become pervasive among children much more so than alcohol.
Keep telling yourself that.
I hope you're right.
You are delusional. Wildcats by 30.
If you look at the BCS Bowl Predictions video you'll see some gay guy picking Bama over LSU. So I guess LSU is not the best team ever.
I wnt to USL and I'm a 99 %er.