It's a bank draft.
From the Daily Fertilizer: They really do care about that nonsense.
Happy Hannukah. Obamahu Akbar.
They were flag happy from the git go. SD QB never got touched and not 1 holding? I saw several.
As a Catholic, I find that offensive.
Glad they won because the refs tried to screw them with 2 no call PIs in the end zone and a very questionable PI on the last SDSU scoring drive.
Not really. It's done all the time. They don't have a Star of David tattooed on their forehead, you know.
That's the beginning of the year.
I guess I'll watch the New Orleans Bowl tonight. According to the Daily Fertilizer it's the biggest thing to hit UL in 40 years.
I looked for that a few weeks ago. It's gone.
It used to be fine to say "Merry Christmas" regardless of who was doing it or who was paying for it. It was just a traditional way to end the...
It's not a religious message unless you want it to be a religious message. Besides, Obama has been telling me "Phuck You" with my tax dollars for...
I've been hearing that $10 Mill per year rumor for 2 months.
Most of those were in the Big 2. Like Boise, for years OU had to get up for one game a year...Nebraska. The rest of the conference was pathetic...
I don't need Jones to tell me that this pipeline construction is crucial to economic recovery. Obama doesn't give a damn about that.
That's too bad. :hihi:
Fang had it right. Ebonics.
I couldn't mess with Superman.
Not really an intriguing game until Houston v. Penn State on New Years Eve.