Don’t like it.
Didn’t know Faneca was a first rounder. That’s pretty awesome.
Yes, I do. I think if anything we have an offensive line that requires there to be a lot of run pass option, spread the field quick hitters, you...
I just want to see the offense modernized. It’s so painfully obvious this needs to be done.
So Canada was because he wasn’t an Orgeron hire. He was an Alleva hire. From what I understand Ed never liked him. But hired him and let him do...
First round I’d say Zero unless Whiteworth was.
The Alabama game was a travesty. We ran max protect essentially the entire game and they still got to us rushing 3 and 4. That means on the...
What’s the point of having a flashy OC when they aren’t allowed to run their offense. To me that’s why Canada was fired. Not because he is Lane...
I’m glad I can at least get a laugh even though you were probably being sarcastic. It’s all good dude. I’m not on the Fire Orgeron train, he has...
Yo the Beavis and Butthead thing LOL
So you’re approach is allow another white man back into the village even though he is using the same tactics and running the same exact offense as...
None, but we don’t have Matt Flynn either.
So if we beat Alabama at their place 29-0 you’d feel the same about them correct? Orgeron is the greatest of all time and peaches and cherries...
You know maybe if this hadn’t played out in front of eyes exactly the same the way before. Not like it matters what I say anyway, shit I thought...
It doesnt bother me. I’ll be dead long before they run whitey out anyway.
What would you have done at Waco or Ruby Ridge?
Without proper training they won’t stand long.
So you’re saying I’ll eventually be treated the way my race has treated everyone else for the past couple thousand years?
Nah it was Queens. There must be some gentrified areas now. Brooklyn was like that too. It’s changing
And is it ever a shithole. When New Yorkers won’t even go to Queens with you something ain’t right.