The people we need to be worried about will still find a way through wall or not. If anything this will is going to give some stupid false sense...
Sad to think that many people have never heard of a ladder or a tunnel. Gigantic waste of money.
You and maybe 2 others. I don’t think he is in trouble though. They could find video evidence of Putin handing him a bag of cash for our nuclear...
All Mexicans donating to that 1.5? No? Mexico still not paying I see. Shocker. Now that all the premature ejaculation spenders have donated...
Most people can’t tell I’m even from this state, I don’t have an accent until I get around my Avoyelles Parish Family then it kinda comes out....
I wouldn’t sign shit
Also didn’t he and Rashard Lawerence make a pact saying they would be back, after the Alabama loss at Alabama last season? Or was that just gossip.
It would not surprise me, he wants to beat Alabama and more than that he loves LSU. He loves Louisiana and that targeting thing may have actually...
And I guarantee you most of the people that aided those OU dudes to their Heisman were from Texas.
The reason UT people hate OU so much is because it’s typically Texas High School players that lead OU to victory. Kyler Murray I wanna say played...
This had to have been put out by some UT persons. I can’t believe someone pressured him into apologizing for that. I mean shit, according to...
Queer is in the dictionary though and it means different or odd right? Gay means happy Korn had a song called faget I understand holding...
Good lord, he had to apologize for saying queer? That’s fucking queer. Wasn’t there a tv show called queer eye for the straight guy?
Probably the best 1 term President this country ever had. His service career to this country is also unprecedented. Godspeed Mr President.
So they pulled the old Captain Kirk Kobayashi Maru thing. Nice
It’s kind of ironic people are upset at Greedy when he is protecting his future revenue by sitting out of a game that is strictly for revenue he...
Put in work to get Kiffin an HC gig, knows Freeze and O have a relationship, I was being a wee bit sarcastic though.
I read that too. I don’t see how anyone can have a problem with someone else’s decision about their career. Everyone has an opinion but no one...
Sometimes I think Saban hates LSU as much as Spurrier did.