China is the single biggest issue we face mow. They will eventually force us into an end all war.
Life can really throw you obstacles sometimes. I feel bad for Myles and his family. He has been through alot. But in seeing how he has handled...
The old sw conference was a apowerhouse back in the day. That was whn Texas and OU were the Alabama and LSU of today.
Thats weird when my cat takes a poop in her box i swear i hear her say Oh I just Took a Saban and man does it stink LOL
this is what happens when you dont follow the rules to a t on this type of problem. now the school is going to pay the consequesnces. What a bad...
main home San Antonio Fish Cam Palacios Gonna do some fishing in the gulf
The long awaited treck back to the promised land has come. My wife and I are moving for me back to Texas. For Her it is first time living...
TJ is TigerBait now. He wont beat out nix he will sit the bench just like he would have here. Thats just the facts. He was mediocre at best....
He supposedly jumped on one of the girls on his couch in his office who worked for the lady filing lawsuit. Alleva had to write Les up on the...
If you believe what this woman says LSU is in deep s**t. Their are more firings to come i would suspect. If LSU is smart they will come clean...
It was on the front of microsoft edge where news stories of the day are posted
It makes me ashamed to have these people still working at LSU. The whole damn bunch needs to go. Clean House. If 10% of what this woman says is...
i cant see the NCAA wanting to be on LSU side. I wouldnt expect many calls to go our way.
oh shit we have something in comon I didnt get along with that guy but then agaun who did
Anybody know if UCLA allowing fans at game. May have to pop down for game from San Fran .
Bama people remind me of my arkansas family. dumb as a box of rocks and brag about how many times they sleep with their sister.
When you grow up being corrected you get sensitive in certain parts of your body.
Oh good god my mother the english teacher is dead. Leave me to use your anyway i want too Here is my reply...
i would like a button that says im right your wrong
glad im not there at the moment. My dialysis machine needs electricity. guess ill need a generator when i retire back there.