I remember as a teenager drinking Mogen David on Friday & Saturday nights. I guess that's what turned me off as a wine drinker. [ATTACH]
In case it's not obvious, I'm not a wine drinker. I can't remember the last time I had a glass. [ATTACH]
WEATHER UPDATE: It's -6 right now with a wind chill of -22. The high is supposed to reach 1 & a low tonight of -13. This shit is getting old.
Did they allow him to bring the bottle in at no cost or did he have to pay a charge?
Thanks for the link. Typical political rhetoric. Looks like he's trying to cover his ass for voting to acquit to me.
I looked. All I found were links to a letter he wrote 3 weeks ago.
And you know this how? Did you make an A in Mind Reading 101? [ATTACH]
Damn, did the tab reach 4 numbers? [ATTACH]
You really don't believe this do you? According to the members of the Senate who acquitted him, they felt he wasn't guilty of what he was charged...
Who is your post directed to? Nice subtle brag about having dinner @ Antoine's. [ATTACH] What did you have? And you are pissed because the...
I guess the lack of a response in 45 minutes tells us what we already knew. No response to a very simple question in 45 minutes.
Great minds think alike. [ATTACH]
@Winston1 Does lack of a response mean you don't know?
ABC. What's next? CNN? I'll bet if you added up the IQs of the 15 cited in the article, it might, emphasis on might, reach triple digits.
Why won't you provide a link to back up your claim?
Are they testifying under oath?
Props to you for earlier calling an easy W. [ATTACH]
It's tolerable if you don't have high humidity & strong winds. I've been to Thule Greenland when the temp was -35 & 20 mph winds. I was only...
Nice D by LeBlanc.
Still have a 10 point lead with less than 8 to go.