You know, Scott's turned over the 4 main Coaches in one year - and I have to say I like all of his hires and I like the way he handled the...
Do you know what was Wade's latest contract?
That's funny!!
do you ever get tired of being right? :) In all honesty I thought you were spot on right up the announcement that Scott had picked Matt
yep, that's the report
No that I get was a surprise to him. I was referring to the wife checking account involvement and there were other things that don't come to...
Thanks, I haven't been to the 'Valley' in a while and missed the article. What I would add is, as I have posted before so I'm not going to repeat...
No, but if he would have been swept by the Faggies today it would be OVER! GONE! I'm kidding of course. I really think he has the possibility of...
I'm afraid you have it all wrong. This was a genius move and Putin is just misunderstood. Ask Tucker and President what's his name.
Hou duco and I are not newbies - and have had friendly conversations for a while, The point of my sarcastic post (warning I use a lot of sarcasm...
You ignored the klansmen point of your crazy email which was what I was referring to.
This must be your first day on this board. Welcome. :)
In the long run he would have made more my way.
WARNING WARNING TO ALL DRVERS!! Out of control maniac behind the wheel of an overloaded garbage truck veering sharply across all lanes of logic....
Yes it is. Everything from "Wade had a choice" to "next quality job". Specifically the sentence in the middle that starts with "He should have...
Well I couldn't watch the games and I won't see the one tonight; so I can't comment on what happened. HOWEVER, if what you say is true I would be...
Read the post. Its all in there
"I did what I did on the advice of my attorney" is a cop out. Lawyers advise, they don't decide. And just because they are a lawyer doesn't mean...
Thanks for the reference, at first glance this looks like an interesting and informative site with facts on the ground analysis of the current...
Scott will now have restarted the 4 primary sports at LSU. Let the new era begin.