That's a good line. Well played sir.
I don't think any of these Senators have changed what they believe. They just grew a pair and spoke what they believe. Interesting the timing of...
And yet he couldn't beat the 2nd worst candidate the Dems have ever run. He beat the worst, but snatched defeat from the jaws of victory against #2.
This feels like deja vu. Hasn't this wealthy asshole booster vs Athletic Director story played out at Auburn several times in the past? Is this...
Thanks for the link its very nice tribute. I only knew him from the board. But I wish I'd met him in real life. From the obituary he sounds...
Now that is some funny shit!!!
looks like he would be a nice addition. Hope it happens
Looking at the likes on this post and I'm guessing that half the board was one time road warriors. It was fun for a while, but I don't miss it.
Since I never said anything about eugenics I can only guess you must be assuming silence is agreement. Which I think is bullshit but you...
I disagree!!! :)
I agree with the edit because some of the meanest animals I've ever known were SHITLAND ponies. I can still remember the pain from the bites.
I assume you are talking about Margaret Sanger. I never read her books, I doubt you have either. When I look at Wikipedia I see your collection...
My view is that the correlation exists only in your mind
That was my first thought. What's the rest of the story? Interested to see how this plays out.
Stockholm syndrome!!! That explains it!! I been wondering why the Republicans are sticking with Trump.
He was right. Corgis are actually a very small breed of Shetland ponies. :)
Yes, but American government is never one party in power at a time. We don't stop building roads in blue states when there is a red government....
Blacks skepticism of vaccinations has nothing to do with political parties. Its because they were used for medical testing multiple times without...
It was meant in jest to point out how this transfer thing is morphing into a farce . However, I didn't know the SEC rule and appreciate the...
I'm not a defender of Planned Parenthood but comparing what they do and why they do it to the Nazis's forced sterilization for the stated purpose...