That page has been taken down by twitter
No you dont, constitution does not stipulate number of justices. But if they do enlarge it, we are finished as a country.
This is one of those times in history where we will look back and say right there the shit hit the fan. In all honesty trump should not nominate...
Yea, but did they have masks on?
Going to br interesting to see how trump plays this.
I like to believe that if an order is given to the military that is coup like. That the JCS would appeal for cooler heads and for the issue to be...
Fuk me and Fuk yu
As long as you have Texas listed as a battleground your information is tainted.
Our oath is to the constitution, not to any person.
If you put it that in google would come back with " it's Milian for put the lost behind you and focus on improving yourself."
And no mention of the BLM dipshits blocking the emergency room and shouting hope they die in the news story. Media is so complicit in this shit.
Perfect synopsis of the Israeli - Palestinian problem.
That would make a hell of a austin powers movie
I have not even posted in the ray parker thread... gump lover
Sorry gdf... oregon is beatuidul
As long as the discussion is all about politics, I am writing off sports teams. If the cfb teams do it I'm writing them off too. I have a shit...
This is my second go around WFH. The first time I was like you I felt that I never left work because my office was in a spare bedroom. This time...
No offical from the school will question you...
Wierd mofo