Not true...I dont think trump has a chance of winning but I saw a story refuting that he recanted his story.
A cow and 2 calves assuming one is a bull gives you meat every year...5000 acres in the 1800s was probably about right.
I'm not running away from my place.
When your starving, you can not eat gold. If everyone is in the toliet your gold wont buy food. Better to have land because at least you can...
taint gonna taint...
And just like that thre message has turned
Why not just start with votes that only had a vote for the president, count those and compare to the results if there is a difference dig deeper.
Nope i.see stories all the time about how it is here to stay and we just need to deal with it. These are now coming from Democrat friendly news...
I think we're back in the school yard.
The media will never tell the truth, therefore the message will be Republicans are throwing out legitimate votes. You will have mass riots on...
Honestly how do you uncount votes?
"I pray for a complete and speedy recovery of all LSU personnel. No joking matter, except for the PAC12"
Crawl back in the hole you climbed out of. GDF is a valued member here, and frankly wishing people to get sick is horseshit.
Where else would you put a recruiting station for Marines. Oorah, Semper Fi... and Happy Birthday Devil Dogs.
Things that make you go hmmm...
Leave it to south park...
All the cases against him will be dropped as soon as he is not president.
We have just expanded your view of the world. It would do some good for all people to seek out those they disagree with, one of two things will...
Well they would have ended up on a stake...just saying
When you polarize people you get strong support and equally strong hate.