Grounded for stamps!!!
I know, need to get Kyle on the phone
Wow, never thought to consider the earth's rotation speed into a rocket launch. Those dudes think of everything
Wonder when the 3 amigos are going to stop by to tell us how great cackle puss is!
Could be either one of em
Without a doubt. They aren't going to give up now. They have far too much to lose by Trump exposing them
We'll probably never hear from those three assholes again
If I tell you there is cheese on the moon you better go get you crackers
He will have plenty of shots at a no no
I almost wish there was zero reporting on this stuff. Just wait until signing day and let's see what we have, sort of like Christmas. Instead...
God bless that man!
No joke, that Moore kid (the wr) was on board for the longest time, then jumps ship to the Ducks of all places. What a dumbass, good luck with...
He has to agree to step down, and it doesn't look like he is going to. They are running out of time to get someone else on the ballot, like less...
I think they are going to kill that old man! I 100% believe that! He won't see Aug 1
It's easy for them to do
Oh it's slicker than owl shit on a sycamore limb. You can bank that!
A Mazz was a much better catcher. Just my opinion, not as good of a hitter but better on d for sure
That's crazy, that drug has been around forever
That clown needs to go away! We should sue him for being a dipshit!
Hate to break it to you but that isn't new. Anywhoo! Hope you get to feeling better brother, I hate hearing about folks in pain. That sucks!