Hey man, two things can be true at the same time!
Saw that if Jerry fires McCarthy that he would be high on the list for Loomis! I've been saying for a while that I don't like Loomis, if he hires...
To the die hards still here (swidt) much respect! Been here a long time and I'm aware it isn't what it once was. @KyleK is tough to nail down now...
Good grab right there!
Apparently he had quite a lengthy list of demands at florida. 45k a month, play every 3rd down all sorts of other foolishness, hopefully he didn't...
Where did you hear this?
This I'm pretty sure
Don't get too excited, I'm surrounded by OU fans and they could not be happier that this guy is no longer on their team...well until they found...
I never knew that their last show was in New Orleans...the more you know
I just don't understand that! Ward isn't even on the list for me. Miami was living on borrowed time for weeks.
Think this was bad info, saw reports saying he isn't going to auction
I saw a TV show about this crash, or maybe it was a podcast! Crazy!
Where is that clown?
Yeah fuck him! He chose the $$ and in the end it will bite him in the ass. USC is garbage, Riley will not be there to see the end of his college...
#8 is Doms little brother
The Boise St guy for me
Is he the Lafayette kid we flipped from atm?
Done deal
He can have fun with that. They are about to lose or fire their coach and life won't get better for them.