Has to be, all those curlys would be poking out of that lil gymnastics suit she wears. Hell that outfit just baaaaarely covers it up anyhow
Lol I don't care, they will get tired of being run into outs on hit and runs
In case you were wondering, that song starts with the Churchill speech in question
I'd hate him if he wasn't, I think envy is the word you're looking for
Had a .222 BA, total liability!
Great in the outfield but a liability at the plate for sure
We will never surrender! Funny story, in high school my history teacher brought this up and I told him I had audio of this speech. He offered me...
The big problem with chops is there Is a very fine line between food poisoning and the best chops ever and also and over cooked dry ass chop. It's...
Milam is a fresh, he stays. Kling can't hit, he stays. All others mentioned along with a lot more will probably be gone. Going to be a big...
Now just need Milam to be up
Old Piss! How'd you let that happen!
These fools are hard core whackos! I read about a motorcycle race once that the route took them through some tunnels. The SC went an boarded up...
Guess it's a no since we flamed
From Oklahoma, he died recently There is a museum here that has a lot of cool space stuff, man those capsules are really small!