Yeah, I guess you could say he "sucker punched" the entire Auburn defense. How great would it have been for him to put it in the EZ on that last...
Well, Miles OBVIOUSLY took over after we got up big. Cam would have kept risking injury to our star receivers on that slick turf for nothing more...
It's a Les Miles hatred thing. Nothing he or any of his staff does is adequate.
Wow. And we're still under the radar?
We're going to set offensive records this year, between the much better offensive coaching and the lack of SEC defenses across the league.
Does anybody remember the HORRIBLE game vs. South Carolina in 2007? It was the fourth game of the year on a wet and nasty Saturday afternoon in...
I can't wait for Auburn - A&M. And if they gel by season's end under the new offensive formula, I expect them to give Bama hell in the Iron Bowl...
That was more on the safety and the fact that it was an absolutely perfect bomb that's impossible to defend from behind at full speed.
But, But....WE'RE LSU!! We're immune to this crap!
I expect them to control the clock with the running game anyway, to keep Auburn's offense off the field. IMO, that's the gameplan no matter if...
I agree. The SEC has taken a beating so far this year as it is, and I don't want to face a desperate Georgia squad.
Yeah, yeah,'re SOOOO awesome. :p
LOL! I like tiga, and if Stacey doesn't mind his antics, then it's cool with me.
Preaching to the (Often one-man) choir, my love.
I remember that, but I can't remember where we played...
That's probably just as likely.
A wise choice. At what point does this stuff cross the line? You are, after all, a lady, right? What happened to chivalry and gentlemanliness?
It's gonna rain Touchdowns on the Barn's ass.
He trusted Jefferson a lot. Too much. It's the only thing I can't defend him against with Miles' bashers, and it's becoming the main thing they...