The Sunday hangover, yes it will be.
The Florida D-line is going to make mandwich out of the LSU O-line. Pray for Max.
Culotta would not call a spade a spade if he knew it would mean he would no longer have players on his show, just sayin. I hope the guys recover...
You working out your gluts?
So nowadays instead of locker rooms smelling like sweaty socks and uniforms, they smell like a dispensary.
It’s on Highway 30 in Geismar now. Don’t ask me how I know.
I am sure there will be a florida man story or two once this is said and done. Its also disappointing that "florida hate week" does not have the...
Not Urban -- He likes them young and blonde too Not Kiffin - Get your pop corn ready. Nothing else to be said. Not O'brien - Was his success in...
Lol. Bruh... This is funny in more than one way.
LOL, please no. Been there done that, LSU doesn't need anymore "quirky".
Oh so it was that kinda party? LOL The other video is where Urban was in the first stage of the dirty sanchez. [IMG]
[IMG] ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ this one though
Hey you got a dart in your neck! You're craaayyzeee mayun. [IMG]
I haven't been watching as closely as I used to. I believe the product on the field over the past two years at the o-line positions is not a... LA times posting a list of...
It's what happens when you coddle kids and never hold them accountable for just the most common responsibilities because they can do entertaining...
Been doing alright. Finally made the move to Prairieville after commuting for almost 5 years about a week before the storm. Happy not to have to...
[IMG] Ohio State is like " What the flock!?"
I’ll be sitting in my teepee Gettin two lips on my pee pee When no can see me It happens all the time