Funny how you can go bankrupt and still build $200 million into billions. Bankruptcy is a business strategy that if done correctly won't have a...
Let's not get carried away. I would be ecstatic about a 6.
If you get offered $1.8 million take the money a d run. Even if you never make the bigs that amount of money invested would produce a very nice...
Golf is flog spelled backwards.
We waste too much money giving it to foreign countries. The next time some tinhorn generalissimo wants help with his little war we should just...
What's so bad about taking long bus rides from fleabag motel to fleabag motel with a bunch of foreign guys jabbering in a language you don't...
You're gonna hear electric music Solid walls of sound Say, @TigerTap and Elmer Fudd, have you seen them yet? Ooh, but they're so spaced out,...
I want one that says, "Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Willis."
I was looking at Sam Burns score. He was playing even par until he went bogie, triple bogie, bogie, double bogie in a 4 hole stretch.
I don't call him names. I can point out the error of his way of thinking with resorting to personal attacks.
Most of us here have lives. Some of us are not spring chickens anymore. Whether you're bashing Trump or nominating him for sainthood I'm not...
Come on Winston. You do post very long articles from your fake news liberal sources How many of us here do you thing reads more than a few...
I support Asians. I buy Chinese takeout food. My mechanic is a Chinaman. I might go to the Oriental Spa if I can get a happy ending.
I bought my so a trampoline for his birthday. The little fuck just sat in his wheelchair and cried.
Justin and Dustin. Thomas and Johnson
Janoris Jenkins released today
What's the o/a on who drowns first?
That claim was exposed as hogwash when he said BOS hired Joe Brady.