Simply put, the physics does not support the Global Warming narrative. The only "proof" they have is some basic bench science, combined with...
I'm probably more liberal than most of my compadres here on this subject. Rape, incest, and when a mother's life is in danger beyond the normal...
This is nothing more than a leftist talking point. Everywhere has early voting, and lines are never exceedingly long. It’s not the Governments...
So, you are saying that you are feeling a little insecure about this ... yes?
Best line ever
It's not a major threat to democracy because it targets the particular PEOPLE in Government, not the government itself. The major threat to...
I don't have a qualm with legalizing drugs at all .... just as long as the person doesn't receive government assistance.
Got 'em both [IMG]
All that was laid out in the Fabian Documents. They were the "New Way". They watched as Socialism turned into Communism and Fascism under...
A chasity belt "lock down" on gay guys butts would probably be all that is needed. What is it with gay guys and their fetish of fucking monkeys?...
I hate to differ with you guys .... but ADTs are NOT overprescribed in kids. ADHD meds may be, but even here, the problem isn't the prescribing,...
First ... I never said changes in cloud cover never happened before. I said the data of the two papers (and their authors conclusions) where that...
According to the two studies ... since the 80s. "A 2022 paper reported a similar decrease in cloud cover, noticing the rise in global temperatures...
Read the article I posted, .. and you'll have 1/5 of the equation. Clouds have way more significant impact than CO2. .. and clouds have been...
One of the hottest red heads on the planet!! [IMG]
I'm guessing you have a thing for red heads.
Yes ... but at least we can try. I've pretty much stopped reading all this climate crap. It's established that the science takes second fiddle...
For Rex .... The Big 5 Natural Causes of Global Warming part 5: How Clouds Moderate Global Warming – Watts Up With That?
It's typical Democrat B.S. It's like the abortion debate ... pro-life argues rights of the baby, pro-choice argues rights of the woman. They are...
Geico STD lawsuit: Company ordered to pay $5.2M in settlement with woman | Fox Business